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Surgical consent form

Please complete these questions prior to your visit with us for your pets surgical appointment.
  • This person should be the owner on account, responsible for decisions and payments and of legal age.
  • Please keep your phone on and be available to answer it while we have your pet in the clinic.
  • Pocket pets such as rabbits, hamsters, rats, ferrets, etc. should NOT be fasted prior to surgery. Please give food and water as usual and call the hospital if you have any questions.

    At Arnold Crescent Animal Hospital, your pet’s safety and well-being are our top priorities. To provide the best care possible, it is important that you understand the nature of anesthetic procedures and the potential risks involved. Please read the following information carefully and provide your consent by signing below.
  • Understanding of Anesthesia
    Anesthesia is necessary for many medical procedures to ensure that your pet does not experience pain or discomfort. The type and amount of anesthesia administered will be carefully chosen by our veterinary team based on your pet’s health, age, and the specific procedure being performed. While we take every precaution to minimize risks, it is important to understand that all forms of anesthesia carry some degree of risk, including but not limited to:
    1. Allergic Reactions – Although rare, pets may have unexpected allergic reactions to anesthetic drugs.
    2. Adverse Reactions to Medications – Some pets may experience side effects from anesthetic drugs, including changes in blood pressure, breathing, or heart rate.
    3. Organ Stress – Anesthesia can place temporary stress on organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, especially in older pets or those with pre-existing conditions.
    4. Aspiration – Pets are fasted prior to anesthesia to reduce the risk of aspiration (inhalation of stomach contents), which can lead to pneumonia. 5. Death – In extremely rare cases, complications from anesthesia may lead to death.
  • To further reduce risks, we may recommend pre-anesthetic bloodwork, which helps to assess your pet’s organ function and overall health. This is particularly important for pets with underlying medical conditions or those that are older. We encourage you to follow our recommendations for any additional diagnostic tests.
  • Monitoring and Care During Anesthesia
    Throughout the procedure, your pet will be closely monitored by our veterinary team using advanced monitoring equipment. We will track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and breathing patterns to ensure your pet’s safety.
    I understand that unforeseen conditions may be revealed during the identified procedures which, in the opinion of the attending veterinarian, require more extensive or different procedures/treatments. I understand that reasonable efforts will be made to contact me to explain these procedures and treatments and obtain my instructions regarding them. However, if the efforts are unsuccessful, I authorize the performance of any procedures and treatments which are necessary in the professional opinion of the attending veterinarian. I hereby release Arnold Crescent Animal Hospital and staff from any, and all, liability arising from the surgical procedure(s), to be performed on my pet.
    Additional charges may apply. We will make every effort to keep within the estimate but sometimes procedures take longer than expected or differ from the estimate and the price may vary.
  • By signing this form, I acknowledge the following:
    1. I understand that anesthesia carries inherent risks, and while every effort will be made to minimize these risks, complications can occur.
    2. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, the risks involved, and any recommended pre-anesthetic testing, and I have received satisfactory answers.
    3. I give my consent for Arnold Crescent Animal Hospital to administer anesthesia and perform the necessary procedure(s) on my pet, and I understand the associated risks.
    4. In the event of an emergency during the procedure, I give permission for the veterinary team to provide any necessary treatment or interventions to safeguard my pet’s well-being.
  • To pay the total as per the estimate given, for the above procedures and related clinic fees. I will pay a deposit prior to the procedure and the balance at the time the pet is discharged and hereby acknowledge my indebtedness for this amount. In the event that the pet referred to above is not claimed by the person giving consent within ten (10) days of completion of treatment and convalescence or of any ancillary services provided by Arnold Crescent Animal Hospital, the pet shall be deemed to have been abandoned, and the Clinic shall be entitled to transfer the pet to an animal shelter or to a third (3rd) party owner. The Clinic waives its lien rights under the Repair and Storage Liens Act. Abandonment does not release me of my obligation for payment of services rendered.